
Prayer involves talking with and listening to God. By praying continually we discover what God has already given us as gifts and life. Good preparation is needed in any attempt to ensure success.

Anyone can and should pray but it does take some effort and discipline. Prayer warriors should develop a good attitude towards prayer, find regular time and places for prayer and make it an important part of their daily life. Let us review some of what we need in this Part.

Listen to your own words when you pray

When we recite or read prayers, sometimes they are so familiar that we gloss over the meaning. An example is the Our Father and Ilike to think that the Our Father is the most perfect of all prayers because –when asked by his followers – Jesus himself taught it to us. Saint Augustine once said, “You may look through all the prayers in scriptures but you will not find anything that is not contained in the Our Father.” Listen carefully to the words of this prayer as volumes of theological books have been written about it.

This page contains a few documents to help you in your prayer life - may God be with you.